Saturday, September 3, 2011

Contact Sheet: We *heart* Safe Streets Rally

So, the color is the one I picked to turn in, but I am kind of drawn to the B&W photo as well. How are my choosing skills? Thoughts?

We <3 Safe Streets Rally: Memphis 2

We <3 Safe Streets Rally: Memphis 1

Steven Davidson holds up a white bicycle in memory of his brother, Chris Davidson, who was killed last month while riding his bike on Madison during a rally at City Hall promoting the addition of bicycle lanes on Madison Ave.


weill said...

B&W. It shows steven reflecting more about his brother & the perspective that it is looking upwards toward heaven.

Natalie said...

the b&w one kills me. the face of the woman and Davidson. So much empty space. i'm wondering what the crap that sign up there says. i love that one. also, in the color on, the elbow is driving me crazy. but his expression, wow.

Kyle Kurlick said...

The sign is the city hall sign. Yeah, I do agree with you about the elbow.

Nongeisonghonga said...

mmm...i'm pretty in love with black and white. so, that kinda draws me in more. but i like the expression in the color one. it probably fits better for the assignment. i think your choosing skills served you well. :)

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