Monday, November 16, 2009

A little R&B action

Generally, I'm unimpressed with concert photos, mostly because I grew up around musicians. I've shot people playing guitar and singing into a microphone while hiding behind growing piles of sound equipment more times than I could imagine while I was still a baby photographer. I feel concert images are pretty much handed to you and the situation becomes redundant very fast. Unless for work, I try not to bring a camera to concerts, but it is fun to watch groupie photographers attempt to come up with what they think is a cool attempt at the same image everyone makes. I've never been to a R&B concert before and I enjoyed it. I covered a pre-Thanksgiving concert featuring Charlie Wilson, Babyface and Frankie Beverly & Maze. They put on a good show. So, I had some fun in between getting things for the newspaper. These images are just as formulaic as the next guy's, but it was fun. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Where are the crowd shots?

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